Welcome - come worship with us!

Acts 6:4

“… we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

Note from the Goods in Debrecen, Hungary

Hello - Here is the email Sonya Brightwell received after she sent one to the Goods to let them know we are able to support them with an increase of $50/month for a total of $200/month after our recent pledge drive. Praise the LORD!

Dear Sonya,
Wow, praise the Lord! We are very delighted for the opportunity to partner in ministry with the FBCOZ family.  God is so good to bring us together. Thank you for increasing your financial support. We’re praying that the whole church can give God glory for the good works He is doing. 
How did you spend Christmas? We’re praying that it was a restful and filled with wonder, joy, and family. We’re doing well and have enjoyed a nice Christmas break at home in Debrecen.  It has been a good mix of ministry and relaxing and spending time together at home. Today, the kids are trying to get caught up with some homework before school starts  back again tomorrow. 
We continue to rejoice in the way that God is blessing the ministry here. The English Bible study is drawing people from the university and from all over the city. We hosted our first Christmas event and over 50 people came. The group consists of people from all over world and many do not yet know Jesus. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. I have attached a few photos from our New Year’s Eve event.
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel! 
Yours in Jesus, Jon and Amanda

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